
How to disclose information concerning improper conduct to Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM) and/or any improper conduct that constitutes an offence under the PIDM Act 2011

Step 1: Who to submit your complaint to?


  1. Chairman of the Board; or
  2. General Counsel, if the disclosure does not relate to the Chairman of the Board or the General Counsel.


  1. Chairman of the Board; or
  2. Chief Executive Officer, if the disclosure relates to the General Counsel.


  1. Chairman of the Audit Committee, if the disclosure relates to the Chairman of the Board.
Step 2: How to submit your complaint?


  • Provide your details
  • Attach relevant document(s)
  • Place in sealed envelope with the words “Strictly Confidential. To be opened by Addressee only” on the top left hand corner of the envelope
  • State the name of the Authorised Officer you want to address the complaint to. Refer to “Step 1: Who to submit your complaint to?” for details
  • Deliver or send to:
    Level 9, Bangunan AICB, 10, Jalan Dato' Onn, 50480 Kuala Lumpur


  • Print the Disclosure of Information Concerning Improper Conduct Form here
  • Complete the Form
  • Attach relevant document(s)
  • Place in sealed envelope with the words "Strictly Confidential. To be opened by Addressee only" on the top left hand corner of the envelope
  • State the name of the Authorised Officer you want to address the complaint to. Refer to "Step 1: Who to submit your complaint to?" for details
  • Deliver or send to:
    Level 9, Bangunan AICB, 10, Jalan Dato' Onn, 50480 Kuala Lumpur


  • Call PIDM at 03-2173 7436
  • Inform the receptionist that you wish to make a complaint under PIDM’s Whistleblowing Policy
  • Provide your details
  • Inform the receptionist of the Authorised Officer who you wish to make the complaint to. Someone from PIDM will contact you